Saturday, July 30, 2011

Walking the Upper Peninsula

You need to see the stairway down to see one of the waterfalls. Most of the waterfalls we saw we needed to take the stairs. The weather this month has been really nice.

We are leaving the U.P. and moving on to Wisconsin. Our touring is over for now.

Now, we need to get ready to teach in Madison.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Traveling the Upper Peninsula of Michigan

This is the third week John and myself have traveled the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. It has been a wounderful tour. We enjoyed good weather while seeing many waterfalls and lighthouses. This is a beautiful area and I am hapy that John and I were able to njoy it. Lake Superior is awesome.

While we were parked in Houghton we took a trip to Copper Harbour and it had some scenes that we had not seen in other parts of the U.P. We saw a snow gauge which was interesting I have put it in the collage.

We are headed for Ontonagon where plan on seeing more sights. This is our last stop in the U.P. Next week we go to Wisconsin.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

The Grubers in June

We visited Dick and Joan Gruber before we went to the Upper Pinnisula. They were great fun. We parked in their drive and played cards every night. They were such fun. Joan and I went and had our nails done. Then on another day we had our hair done. Also went to some neat shoppes. Also a garage sale. Check out the pictures. We had a lovely ride in their pontoon boat of Lake Houghton.

The weather was great.

July 16, 2011 Upper Peninsula Michigan

We have been traveling the Upper Peninsula and it is soooooooo beautiful. We have visited the waterfalls around Munising and got a great work out. Walked a lot. We just got to Marquette today and will check out this area tomorrow. Check out the callage.

Josephine Jones

Josephine Jones
Artist/Certified Instructor